Results for ' Hofer Jr'

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    Rational suicide.Hofer Jr - 1991 - Hec Forum: An Interdisciplinary Journal on Hospitals' Ethical and Legal Issues 4 (2):149-150.
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  2. ``Conjunctivitis".Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1970 - In Marshall Swain, Induction, acceptance, and rational belief. Dordrecht,: Reidel. pp. 55-82.
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  3. Perceptual classification images from Vernier acuity masked by noise.A. J. Ahumada Jr - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 1831-1840.
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  4. Comment on" Priorities in the Application of Genetic Principles to the Human Condition: a Dissident View"[letter].D. R. Vining Jr - 1993 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 37 (1):156-7.
  5. Toward understanding the principle of double effect.Joseph M. Boyle Jr - 1980 - Ethics 90 (4):527-538.
  6. Can You Go to Heaven?Theodore Schick Jr - 1999 - Free Inquiry 19.
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  7. Morality Requires God... or Does It?Theodore Schick Jr - 1997 - Free Inquiry 17.
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    Chief Justice Waite, Defender of the Public Interest.Benjamin F. Wright Jr - 1938 - Science and Society 2 (3):415-416.
  9. Preface.Lucius Turner Outlaw Jr - 2023 - In Paul Giladi & Nicola McMillan, Epistemic injustice and the philosophy of recognition. New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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  10. Race, Nation, and Nation-State: Tocqueville on (US) American Democracy.Lucius T. Outlaw Jr - 2009 - In Chad Kautzer & Eduardo Mendieta, Pragmatism, Nation, and Race: Community in the Age of Empire. Indiana University Press.
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  11. Halifax: The Complete Trimmer Revisited.J. Parsons Jr - 1978 - Interpretation 7 (3):66-94.
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  12. Fibonacci and Continued Fractions.T. E. Phipps Jr - 2008 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 15 (4):534.
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    Author Responds to Review.R. C. Sleigh Jr - 1992 - The Leibniz Review 2:9-9.
    I appreciate Benson Mates's generous review of my book, and also the editor's willingness to allow me to comment on it. There is one point where Professor Mates attributes to me a view I did not intend to assert, although what I did say is so compressed that even I have had some difficulty divining my intentions. And it may well be that Professor Mates will find the view that I did intend to assert even less satisfactory than the view (...)
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  14. Nancy Nyquist Potter, How Can I Be Trusted? A Virtue Theory of Trustworthiness Reviewed by.Albert D. Spalding Jr - 2005 - Philosophy in Review 25 (3):206-207.
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    The “Color” of Humanism.Norm R. Allen Jr - 2012 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 20 (1):31-38.
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  16. Bertrand Russell and the Russell-Einstein Manifesto.Ray Perkins Jr - 2005 - The Bertrand Russell Society Quarterly 125.
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  17. Fichte and the Typology of Mysticism.Anthony N. Perovich Jr - 1994 - In Daniel Breazeale & Tom Rockmore, Fichte: historical contexts/contemporary controversies. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
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  18. Stellar and planetary aberration.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 1994 - Apeiron (Misc) 19:13.
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  19. The Sherwin-Rawcliffe Experiment–Evidence for Instant Action-at-a-distance.Thomas E. Phipps Jr - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (4):503.
  20. What is Christian About Christian Bioethics? Metaphysical, Epistemological, and Moral Differences.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 2005 - Christian Bioethics 11 (3):241-253.
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  21. Inductive logic and inductive reasoning.H. E. Kyburg Jr - 2008 - In Jonathan Eric Adler & Lance J. Rips, Reasoning: Studies of Human Inference and its Foundations. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  22. Democracy and Laissez Faire: the New York State Constitution of 1846.Arthur Ekirch Jr - 1978 - Journal of Libertarian Studies 1 (4):319-323.
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  23. Debunking Objective Consequentialism: The Challenge of Knowledge-Centric Anti-Luck Epistemology.Paul Silva Jr - 2019 - In Michael Klenk, Higher Order Evidence and Moral Epistemology. New York: Routledge.
    I explain why, from the perspective of knowledge-centric anti-luck epistemology, objective act consequentialist theories of ethics imply skepticism about the moral status of our prospective actions and also tend to be self-defeating, undermining the justification of consequentialist theories themselves. For according to knowledge-centric anti-luck epistemology there are modal anti-luck demands on both knowledge and justification, and it turns out that our beliefs about the moral status of our prospective actions are almost never able to satisfy these demands if objective act (...)
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  24.  39
    Bertrand Russell and Preventive War.Ray Perkins Jr - 1994 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 14 (2):135.
  25.  45
    Concerning the Argument from Perspectival Variation.John Knox Jr - 1962 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (3):518-521.
    What were seen widely in Hume's time as "the obvious dictates of reason" are rarely if ever seen as such today. One reads now that the table does not seem to diminish as one removes oneself from it; instead it appears roughly the same in size all the while. And, what if it did seem to diminish? This would not prove that the existent of which one is visually aware is diminishing, and is therefore but the image of the table (...)
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  26. Belief Revision, Non-Monotonic Reasoning, and the Ramsey Test.H. E. Kyburg Jr - 1990 - In Kyburg Henry E. , Loui Ronald P. & Carlson Greg N. , Knowledge Representation and Defeasible Reasoning. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 223.
  27.  13
    Dennett's beer.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1994 - In Kenneth M. Ford & Zenon W. Pylyshyn, The Robot's Dilemma Revisited: The Frame Problem in Artificial Intelligence. Ablex.
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    Decision Theory.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1990 - In Henry Ely Kyburg, Science & reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Efforts to get scientific knowledge reap valuable knowledge about the world. It is often rewarding simply to know more, but a greater benefit of knowing more is that, knowing the future, one can make sound decisions. There is an easy and unified decision theory that, if only it applied to everything, would solve all the decision problems humans face. It is known as “Bayesian” decision theory because it requires a set of probabilities determined over the world states.
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    Probability.Henry E. Kyburg Jr - 1990 - In Henry Ely Kyburg, Science & reason. New York: Oxford University Press.
    There are two main classes of interpretations of probability. The first are those that rely on a measure of frequency. The other is those that take a logical or subjective view of a unique event, independent of past or future events. The interpretation of probability which is used in the book is then defined as evidential probability, a function based on a set of known statements based on frequency or measure. The properties of probability are then enumerated and explained. Probabilities (...)
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  30. Illegibility : on the spirit of origins.John P. Leavey Jr - 2009 - In Martin McQuillan & Ika Willis, The origins of deconstruction. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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  31. Coherentism and the epistemic justification of moral beliefs: A case study in how to do practical ethics without appeal to a moral theory.Mylan Engel Jr - 2012 - Southern Journal of Philosophy 50 (1):50-74.
    This paper defends a coherentist approach to moral epistemology. In “The Immorality of Eating Meat”, I offer a coherentist consistency argument to show that our own beliefs rationally commit us to the immorality of eating meat. Elsewhere, I use our own beliefs as premises to argue that we have positive duties to assist the poor and to argue that biomedical animal experimentation is wrong. The present paper explores whether this consistency-based coherentist approach of grounding particular moral judgments on beliefs we (...)
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  32. A Minimal Ethic of Market-Oriented Responsibility: The Nestle Case.James W. Kuhn & Donald W. Shriver Jr - 1991 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics:216-241.
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  33. Personhood, moral strangers, and the evil of abortion: The painful experience of post-modernity.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 18 (4):419-421.
    The epistemological and sociological consequences of post-modernity include the inability to show moral strangers, in terms they can see as binding, the moral wrongness of activities such as abortion. Such activities can be perceived as morally disordered within a content-full moral narrative, but not outside of the context it brings. Though one can salvage something of the Enlightenment project of justifying a morality that can bind moral strangers, one is left with moral and metaphysical views that can be recognized as (...)
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    Health care reform: A study in moral malfeasance.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 1994 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 19 (5):501-516.
    Instead of benefitting from open meetings and public discussions, the Clintons drafted their health care plan in private and asked that it be accepted in haste. They advance an ideology that claims we can receive the best care for all without any increase in cost or rationing, and then they use "ethicists" to justify this ideology through a supposedly common morality. However, there is no such common morality. In the context of American pluralism, one must look to the actual consent (...)
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  35.  12
    Mankind Was My.James R. Edwards Jr - 2005 - In Nicholas Capaldi, Business and religion: a clash of civilizations? Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
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    (1 other version)Application of the "order of merit method" to advertising.E. K. Strong Jr - 1911 - Journal of Philosophy, Psychology and Scientific Methods 8 (22):600-606.
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  37. How to measure a quale.Osvaldo Frota Pessoa Jr - 2019 - Sofia 8 (1):187-198.
    According to the colored-brain thesis, sense data or qualia are real physical-chemical qualities, located inside the brain, possibly at a specific locus. Our hypothesis is that the seats of phenomenal consciousness have a structure and a materiality. According to the proposed view, a chromatic quale emerges when a certain pixel of the visual sensorium is fed with a certain pattern Σ of spikes; a change in this pattern quickly changes the color that is subjectively generated. How could one manage to (...)
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  38. The Augustianism of Thomas Aquinas' Moral Theory.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2003 - The Thomist 67 (2):279-305.
    In this article I argue against some contemporary scholars that Thomas Aquinas holds that grace is in some way necessary for the perfection of even natural virtue, due to original sin. First I show that healing grace is necessary for the fulfillment of ordinary natural moral duties. On account of original sin, human cannot fulfill the precept to naturally love God without healing grace. Moreover, they cannot avoid committing some acts (mortal sins) whereby they are turned away from God. Second, (...)
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    An ethnomedical perspective of medical ethics.Horacio Fabrega Jr - 1990 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 15 (6):593-625.
    Ethnomedicine is the field that analyzes medical traditions comparatively. An ethnomedical approach is used in the essay to analyze the topic of medical ethics. General properties of medical ethics as realized in different societies are outlined. These pertain to the healer's relations with clients, with other healers, and with the group or society. The conditions of medical practice and the influence of social and political factors that affect them are discussed in relation to medical ethical questions. Unique developments of contemporary (...)
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    Hartshorne and the Problem of Personal Identity.Albert Shalom & John C. Robertson Jr - 1978 - Process Studies 8 (3):169-179.
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  41. Learning and the learner.J. A. Shymansky & W. C. Kyle Jr - 1988 - Science Education 72 (3):293-304.
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    (1 other version)Indigência e penúria na era da técnica.Wanderley Jose Ferreira Jr - 2012 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 57 (3):205-218.
    Toma-se como referências básicas algumas reflexões do filósofo Martin Heidegger sobre o domínio planetário da técnica para mostrar a penúria de uma época marcada pelo fim da filosofia mediante sua realização como metafísica nas ciências técnicas. Explicita-se ainda como esse fim da filosofia na era do domínio planetário da técnica pode se constituir o ponto de partida para um novo começo do pensar, que pensa para além dos limites impostos pelo pensamento calculador. Na parte conclusiva do artigo procura-se determinar o (...)
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    Cases and Social Reality: Making the Decision to Admit.H. T. Engelhardt Jr & J. H. Coverdale - 1993 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 4 (4):354-356.
  44. I. health.H. Tristram Engelhardt Jr - 1981 - In Arthur L. Caplan, Hugo Tristram Engelhardt & James J. McCartney, Concepts of health and disease: interdisciplinary perspectives. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, Advanced Book Program/World Science Division.
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    Kantian Knowledge of Other Persons — An Exploration. Engelhardt Jr - 1974 - In Gerhard Funke, Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 2: Sektionen 1,2. De Gruyter. pp. 576-581.
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  46. Medicine and The Concept of Person51.H. T. Engelhardt Jr - 1989 - In Anthony Serafini, Ethics and social concern. New York: Paragon House.
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    Introduction.Horacio Fabrega Jr - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 5 (2):99-101.
  48.  43
    The position of psychiatric illness in biomedical theory: A cultural analysis.Horacio Fabrega Jr - 1980 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 5 (2):145-168.
    Summary and ConclusionsThis paper presents the argument that the character of illness in psychiatry requires embracing phenomena which falls outside the area of concern of basic biologic sciences. The argument is developed by introducing the idea of a “theory of illness,” a cultural trait of a society, and by examining features of our biomedical theory of illness. The disease “depression” is then examined in terms of this theory. A basic point made is that an appraisal of any medical system involves (...)
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  49. The Separation of the Interior and Exterior Act in Scotus and Ockham.Thomas M. Osborne Jr - 2007 - Mediaeval Studies 69:111-139.
    The disagreement between John Duns Scotus and William of Ockham on whether the exterior act has intrinsic moral worth is a turning point for a new understanding of the relationship between the interior and the exterior act. Is someone who successfully commits murder as guilty as someone who fails in her attempt? Does the martyr merit more than someone who merely wills to undergo martyrdom but is denied the opportunity? In these cases, the completion of the act is the exterior (...)
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    “Dá glória e receba!”: a expressão mítico-ritual nos “corinhos de fogo” no culto [neo]pentecostal. de AlbuquerqueValdevino Jr - 2016 - Horizonte 14 (44):1657-1658.
    ALBUQUERQUE JR., Valdevino. “Dá glória e recebe”: a expressão mítico-ritual nos “corinhos de fogo” no culto [neo]pentecostal. 2014. Dissertação – Mestrado em Ciência da Religião, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Juiz de Fora, MG.
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